A little dark, but interesting to read. I think that we are in a very interesting cycle of technology (especially in the US) amplifying stratification among social classes. The LSE study you linked makes an interesting point that people who are able to use the internet to improve their lives through successful exploitation of services the internet provides is interesting as well.
There seems to be a feeling in the air around VC and the glitz and glam of startups in the US right now that the only way to matter is to get to the top by raising ridiculous amounts of seed funding at all costs. A constant thought I have is, do you have to get to the top by leaving a trail of bodies in your wake?
It only gets more interesting when you look at tech giants like Google and Facebook that have extremely positive messages internally as companies but started out essentially as advertising agencies (or at least a platform that would then allow them to control a very large gate to commerce and information). In the case of Facebook we are seeing a lot of the tech backlash you mentioned and it is fascinating to watch it play out.
I guess the only logical next question is….what’s the solution?